Police Department
The David City Police Department serves the community by protecting citizens and property, preventing crime, enforcing laws and ordinances, and maintaining order.
The David City Police Department is located at the City Office at 490 E Street, David City, NE 68632.
To contact the David City Police Department you will need to contact the Dispatch at (402) 367-7400 to have calls directed to the David City Police Department.
Chief of Police - Marla Schnell
Assistant Chief - Devin Betzen
Police Officers - Tristan Hilger, Anthony Whitmore, Chris Baete, Kevin Dunn, Jason Reed, Mike Mejstik, Cameron Lehr, Stacia Nelson, Zachary Pilcher, and Luke Bonkiewicz
Public Safety
The David City Volunteer Fire Department is responsible for providing an efficient and effective delivery of fire, medical, rescue, and emergency services to the community.The Fire Department also strives to improve the quality of life for David City residents by providing public training for firefighters.